
Feminine vs Masculine - Which One is Better?

Source : Google Pics In the old day, our society used to classify people's roles in terms of gender, they have their own stereotype. For instance, if someone was born as a boy, he should seem tough, strong, and say 'big no' for crying or showing their weaknesses. On the other hand, if that person is a girl, she should seem gentle, calm, stay quiet, and say 'big no' for climbing a tree or laughing loudly. How and when they did create these standards? Do they have some handbook and implement it to the life? Or what? They supposed to have a guideline, right?

Atomic Habits - Can You Transform Massively?

Hi, folks. Today I would like to tell an absolutely incredible book with title "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. I knew about this book since I was a student at university, but unfortunately at that time I didn't enjoyed reading non fiction book. And for now, I'm so grateful to be the one of the reader. I never imagine if our habits would affect our life at such essential way. Probably if we only mention about changing one or two routines, it wouldn't give much impact. But, in this case, we should change every single bad activity into a good one, only to never stop improving subsequently. Sounds difficult, huh? Not really!

My English Journey

Source : Google Pic Hello, there. This is my first time trying to write my post in English. I think I'm still struggling with my diction, grammar, and writing style. But it's OK, as long as I never stop doing this, at least I would learn something. I decided to learn English consistently since September 2nd, 2022 (Omg, I do remember the date! T.T). I didn't try to do some English level test at the first (I was regret about this), so I couldn't realize exactly my improvement and the differences.

Mengapa Aku Tak Bisa Punya Mesin Waktu?

Sumber : Google Pics Ingin kupunya mesin waktu Agar tahu, apakah di masa depan masih bersama dirimu? Ingin kupunya mesin waktu Agar bisa kembali ke masa lalu Untuk menulis ulang kenangan-kenangan itu Ini kupunya mesin waktu Agar dapat menunda masa Bahkan menangguhkan durasi Mengapa aku tak bisa punya mesin waktu?

Snow - Lepas Jilbabmu atau Mati?

Snow adalah karya Orhan Pamuk pertama yang aku baca meski bukunya yang paling terkenal adalah My Name Is Red. Dengan title peraih nobel sastra, aku sangat bahagia saat menemukan karya Orhan di antara buku prelove di Toko Sarang Buku Bekas Rasuna, Jakarta.

Kakek dan Nenek di Tepi Sungai

Sumber : Google Pic Ini sebuah kisah tentang kakek dan nenek yang duduk di tepi sungai Nenek itu tengah merenung dan menatap pantulan air Di sana ada dirinya Tampak tua, jelek, dan sakit Mungkin mendekati ajal Kakek yang melihat itu diam saja Namun hatinya menyayangkan "kenapa nenek menua secepat itu?" Padahal kakek sendiri masih bugar dan sehat

Islam Sontoloyo = Islam Nusantara?

Nah, kali ini saya akan sharing sedikit tentang buku yang berisi surat-surat Sang Bapak Proklamator kita yaitu Ir. Soekarno ketika sedang mempelajari dan memahami nilai-nilai Islam. Ir. Soekarno memang secerdas itu di masa orang-orang lain hanya terus terbawa arus. Beliau merupakan orang yang 100% merdekanya. Bukan hanya raganya, lisannya, namun benar-benar bagian terkecil dirinya pun bisa dibilang merdeka. Speechless  dijamin.