
Showing posts from 2023

Conspiracy Theory: Dajjal and Gog Magog as the Revolutionary of Technology

Source : Google Pic Dajjal and Gog Magog (Yajuj Majuj), Moslem must have known these creatures that frequently mentioned in The Holy Quran (I think everyone knows that either :'D). They are 'something'  which will be revealed at the day near to the doomsday. This post refers to Islamic perspective only. I don't research for the comparison with the other sight yet, but probably I would write it next time.

My Foreign Language Journeys

Source : Google Pic It's been 8 months since the first day I decided to start learning English intensively and seriously. I'm still in the middle of my English journey, but randomly I also wanna learn any other languages :D

Sapiens - A Storytelling Animal and His Roles

Homo Sapiens.  We were used to this term specifically with something related to historical subject. Despite the popularity, we're still lack of knowledge to describe and only able to equalize it in very simple way - human. This book, Sapiens (A Brief History of Humankind) by Yuval Noah Harari, characterized human-being as a part of kingdom animalia -- according to the evolution theory -- and elaborated human's roles in the world.

Feminine vs Masculine - Which One is Better?

Source : Google Pics In the old day, our society used to classify people's roles in terms of gender, they have their own stereotype. For instance, if someone was born as a boy, he should seem tough, strong, and say 'big no' for crying or showing their weaknesses. On the other hand, if that person is a girl, she should seem gentle, calm, stay quiet, and say 'big no' for climbing a tree or laughing loudly. How and when they did create these standards? Do they have some handbook and implement it to the life? Or what? They supposed to have a guideline, right?

Atomic Habits - Can You Transform Massively?

Hi, folks. Today I would like to tell an absolutely incredible book with title "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. I knew about this book since I was a student at university, but unfortunately at that time I didn't enjoyed reading non fiction book. And for now, I'm so grateful to be the one of the reader. I never imagine if our habits would affect our life at such essential way. Probably if we only mention about changing one or two routines, it wouldn't give much impact. But, in this case, we should change every single bad activity into a good one, only to never stop improving subsequently. Sounds difficult, huh? Not really!